Volkshochschule Pforzheim-Enzkreis (Germany)
The adult education center of Pforzheim is one of the 173 adult educations centers in the region of Baden Württemberg.
The adult education center offers an educational program in the following pedagogical fields: languages, health, creativity, political education, philosophy, psychology, literature, vocational training, language course for migrants and intercultural training for migrants.
Egitime ve Kulture Erisim Dernegi (Turkey)
Eğitime ve Kültüre Erişim Derneği (Association for Access to Education and Culture) has been established to ensure the activation and development of Education, Culture and Environmental activities and to support and cooperate with persons and organizations carrying out national and international studies on this subject.
The members of the associations are teachers, school inspectors, academicians, representatives of VET centers, companies and adult education trainers.
Fondazione Nazionale Vito Fazio-Allmayer (Italy)
The Fondazione Nazionale Vito Fazio-Allmayer, based in Italy, is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the cultural and artistic heritage associated with the influential figure Vito Fazio-Allmayer.
The foundation organizes various cultural events, exhibitions, and educational programs to foster a deeper appreciation for Italian arts and traditions.
Minerva Atenea Lab (Spain)
MINERVA ATENEA Lab distinguishes itself as a pioneering social enterprise, dedicated to social transformation and the protection of the natural environment, firmly rooted in European values.
With a mission focused on empowering people, especially young people and workers, Minerva strives to foster personal and professional growth through programmes and activities.